memwell game Apps

Original Myth 1.1.3
memwell game
1. Zhai Zhu rewrote the plots and adapted 5million words into the mobile game.In the novel, the author Zhai Zhu built a magnificent world for us,with rich characters and intriguing plots. It's fascinating!Players will go through time travel to the Mystic Zone, andexperience Jiangnan's adventure. As the game proceeds, the mainroles of the novel will also appear and interact with players.2. Fantastic 3D visual feast to recreate the Create Mythworld.Maps in the Original Myth are based on the novel settings,including the magnificent Xuantian Faction, the remote Imperial WarLand. U3D engine together with hand drawing style build theaesthetic scenes, fully representing the visual shock of destroyingthe world with the God Divinity skills in the novel. Each skill iswell-designed according to the novel, bringing the strongest andcoolest visual feast to all.3. Inspired by the game, the author designed the unique specialchaptersAs a co-producer, Zhai Zhu was inspired during the developmentprocess, and created the creative chapter "Heaven Mender SuppressesMystic Capital", together with interesting sections for Xuan Wuxie.These are realized in the game as independent instances to enrichthe game and novel. Players can learn about the truths as well ascauses and effects of the suppression that unrevealed in thenovel.4. Thrilled features are originated from the novel.Most of the creative features in the game are stemmed from thenovel. The Immortal Platform, War Arena, and Bloodline are createdoutside the box of fixed game settings. Growth experience totallyrefers to the novel, including Refinery Realm, Lv. 8 God Divinityand Royal Realm. The Spirit disaster system also enables players tochallenge the Nine Heaven Mending Treasures. The creative talismansystem and 5-Element Talisman are energetic. The smart and cuteapprentice carrying pets also make the multiple elements battlesystem fantastic both in attacking and defending.Website : : :[email protected]
Mythical Hero 1.1.3
memwell game
IntroductionMythical Hero, a new published fantasy action mobile game, bringsall the players not only the promotion of stunning visual graphics,but also the addictive battle modes and various talismans. Let'sbegin our journey to the stars! The more ambitious you are, themore competent you will be. It is your ambition that drives you toachievements! Do you want it? Choose Mythical Hero, a bravo optionto lead your fantasy journey!Features1. Produced by Mamwell, a Fine Work UndoubtedAs a total adaption from the original work, Mythical Hero relivesplaces, times and storylines straight from the famous fiction. Justimmerse yourself in the battlefield with stunning effects likereading the masterpiece!2. Original Characters, Sumptuous ScenarioUsing 3D techniques on characters' building, every action andfacial expressions of fantasy myths are showed. Abundant scenarios,fantastic effects, well-set pace, newfangled formation, all ofthese make it too addicting to stop!3. You are Protected, You are SkillfulRefreshing pets and talismans have great effects in both visual andbattle. Also, you owns special skills like dodges and criticalstrikes that you can transfer freely. All the demons will not bequalified to be your components!4. Squad-based Combat, Here You Are the WarriorBuild your own faction, collect the heroes and become the Legends.Team up with players in the dungeon, slag the Epic Boss in thebattleground! If you are manage to survive through the Epic Boss,the spoils of victory awaits.Website : : :[email protected]